Your community food bank
What is considered basic essentials, like food and clothing, is not available to everyone. Individuals and families unfortunately fall on hard times and at the Lacombe Community Food Bank, we provide these essentials for those who need a helping hand. We would not be able to do what we do without the generous donations of our donors, whether they are individual community members, schools, churches or businesses.
The Lacombe Community Food Bank has been around for over 30 years. The Lacombe Food Bank was started in the basement of a local doctor’s office in the 1980’s. Our current facility on 32nd Street is more accessible and better fits the needs of our organization. We not only have the food bank, but we also have a thrift store which is open to the public upstairs.
The Lacombe Community Food Bank is a ministry of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Our organization is driven by committed volunteers, many of which have been with us for years. The Food Bank on average has 40 volunteers helping us. Our volunteers recognize the importance of what they accomplish by supporting those in need.
The Lacombe Community Food Bank serves Lacombe and area, Bentley, Gull Lake, Clive and Tees.